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Koehler & Dramm’s Institute of Floristry (KDIOF) was founded by Ardith Beveridge, AIFD and Rick Dramm. KDIOF began in the spring of 1989 by offering Floral One classes in the evenings. Students soon asked for more classes. By 1990, the Institute added Floristry Two and in 1991, they added day classes.


The school saw a need for students to learn not only about the design aspects of the flower industry but also the various aspects of owning a business. Soon, specific business portions were tailored to each class to help students achieve success. Ardith, with the help of her colleagues, compiled the first textbook for the school. As students advanced through KDIOF, Ardith continued her education by receiving her AIFD, AAF, CAFA, PFCI, and took state association accreditation programs. She traveled the world taking international classes to stay current with design styles and trends. Then, she brought all she had learned back to the classroom and expanded the curriculum. The school is an approved AIFD education partner. We are licensed as a private career school by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education annually. 


Today, KDIOF is flourishing with continued advances in designs and techniques. The Institute has produced successful and leading designers who are expanding the floral industry.  We are one of the top schools in the nation taught by world renowned instructor Ardith Beveridge AIFD.  The school has expanded in not only classes offered, but instructors. Ardith hand-selected her team of associate instructors who are leaders in their own respect and field, along with a wonderful administration.


Koehler and Dramm Institute of Floristy is licensed as a private career school with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statues, sections 136A.821 to 136A.832. Licensure is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institute may not transfer to all other institutions.



Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

Closed Saturday & Sunday





2407 East Hennepin Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55413

P: 612-362-3133 / 877-KOEHLER

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The Koehler and Dramm Institute of Floristy is licensed as a private career school with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statues, sections 136A.821 to 136A.832 Licensure is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institute may not transfer to all other institutions.

© 2017 Koehler & Dramm Institute of Floristry

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